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IntroductionFully-functional Robotic Human Exoskeletons could revolutionize the world military and industrial powers. To be practical, all exoskeletons will have to provide some form of physical augmentation, otherwise the user wouldn't be able to move freely and easily. Furthermore, All exoskeletons will have similar basic parts and functions. The biggest differences between a civilian and military suit would be the electronic add-ons and heavy armor. Every exoskeleton will have to utilize a haptic interface that'll move with the user quickly and easily. One method to accomplish this might be a full body skin suit covered with pezioelectric circuits. Everytime the user moved, the exoskeleton would recieve electronic signals instructing it how to move.Cross-Platform TechnologyRegardless of what model the exoskeleton is designed for, each will have some of the same basic features.....
Civilian Models
Military Models
BTW......not long ago I discovered that research into robotic exoskeletons have recieved some serious funding over the last few years. No longer is this something delegated to science Fiction. DARPA is funding several different groups who have begun to produce good results; one already has a working prototype for an augmented lower extremity exoskeleton. It runs off a canibalized lawnmotor engine. After about 15 minutes though, it's out of gas.Haptic Interface |
Contact webmaster - lothmordor | Last Updated: 02:02 01/Apr/04 |