In the News...

In the News...
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My opinons on recent news articles, complete with article links and dates. So, while I can't cover all the news (or even a fraction of the US news), this section focuses on items I feel are intresting or important to society. Think of this as my own mini slashdot.

Major Advance Made In Transparent Electronics - 04/Jan/2005
Bhopal gas victims to fast for justice - 18/Jun/2004
Mexican tamale chef kills friend and cooks him, police say - 22/Apr/2004
Holy Heroes! - 15/Apr/2004
Kohei Minato and the Japan Magnetic Fan Company - 05/Apr/2004
Time-Reversal Acoustics Research Promises Medical Breakthroughs - 13/Apr/2004
Russian Group Plans Men on Mars by 2011 - 09/Apr/2004
Methane Detection Points to Life on Mars - 31/Mar/2004

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Last Updated: 17 Dec 2005 14:28:39 PST